§ 1

[General provisions].

  1. The Regulations have been established in accordance with the obligation under Article 8(1)(1) of the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of services by electronic means (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2020, item 344).

  2. The terms of use set out the rules for the use of the BUEN SOL WebWebsite

  3. The WebWebsite is operated by BUEN SOL spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością with its registered office in Chrzanów and address at ul. Śląska 64A, 32-500, Chrzanów, entered in the register of entrepreneurs by the District Court for Kraków – Śródmieście in Kraków, XII Economic Division of the National Court Register under number: 0001046876, REGON: 525507652, NIP: 6282291559 with a share capital of PLN 49,000 fully paid up.

  4. The Regulations are made available free of charge on the webWebsite https://buensoloil.com/ in such a way that it is possible to obtain, reproduce and record the content of the Regulations by means of an IT system used by the User using the BUEN SOL WebWebsite. The rules and regulations can be recorded and multiplied by the User using any technique on any media for the purposes related to the use of BUEN SOL WebWebsite and services provided thereon.



  1. Within the framework of the Rules of Procedure, BUEN SOL uses expressions with the following meaning when using the appropriate capital letter

  1. BUEN SOL – BUEN SOL spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością with its registered office in Chrzanów and address at ul. Śląska 64A, 32-500, Chrzanów, entered in the register of entrepreneurs by the District Court for Kraków – Śródmieście in Kraków, XII Economic Division of the National Court Register under number: 0001046876, REGON: 525507652, NIP: 6282291559 with a share capital of PLN 49,000 fully paid up.

  2. Terms and Conditions- the rules and regulations established in accordance with Article 8(1)(1) of the Electronic Services Act, available at htttps://buensoloil.com/,

  3. GDPR – an act of common law in Poland with the full name Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (OJ EU. L. 2016 No. 119, p. 1 as amended).

  4. Controller – the controller of personal data within the meaning of Article 4(7) of the GDPR

  5. Personal data – any information about an identified or identifiable natural person (“data subject”); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of the natural person;

  6. Telecommunications Law – the Act of 16 July 2004. Telecommunications Law (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2022, item 1648, as amended).

  7. WebWebsite – the webWebsite available at https://www.buensoloil.com

  8. Act on provision of services by electronic means – Act of 18 July 2002 on provision of services by electronic means (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2020, item 344).

  9. User – a natural person, a legal person or an organisational unit without legal personality who uses a service provided electronically;


[BUEN SOL WebWebsite Terms of Use]

  1. The WebWebsite operates on the basis of the established Rules of Procedure and generally applicable laws.

  2. The use of the WebWebsite is free of charge, voluntary and open to any User using the Internet.

  3. The User’s use of the WebWebsite constitutes acceptance of the provisions of the Terms and Conditions and a commitment to comply with them.

§ 4

[Technical requirements and cookies]

  1. Use of the Website requires the User to have a suitable device providing access to the Internet and to use an Internet browser (Microsoft Internet Explorer, Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera) within which the Website and its sub-Websites will be opened.

  2. The Website uses cookies, which take the form of small textual information that is stored on the User’s terminal equipment, depending on the means by which the User opens the Website.

  3. The Cookie Policy is available on the same terms as the Terms and Conditions at https://buensoloil.com/privacy-policy/.

  4. By appropriately configuring the Internet browser used by the User, it is possible to block the storage of cookies on the device used by the User at any given time.

  5. Cookies can be deleted by the User at any time. Taking such action requires the use of tools made available by the User’s browser or device. Links on how to delete cookies using popular web browsers are provided below:





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§ 5

[User rights and obligations]

  1. Each User shall use the Website in a manner consistent with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, generally applicable laws and good morals. Particularly prohibited but non-exclusive behaviour includes:

  1. interfere with the operation of the Website, in particular, by using mechanisms that may or are designed to slow down the operation of the Website, interfere with the source code of the Website, use add-ons or mechanisms that permanently or temporarily alter the functionality of the Website with respect to third parties or use any other tools that may cause damage to the Website,

  2. disseminating information which is untrue, inaccurate or out of date through the Website,

  3. carrying out any activity in relation to Personal Data,

  4. infringing or attempting to infringe the personal rights of BUEN SOL, its employees or associated persons or third parties,

  5. supplying content that may violate generally applicable laws.

§ 6

[Personal information]

  1. Where the Administrator collects Personal Data, information on how it is processed and how to give consent is included in each case in the relevant “checkbox” and in the Privacy Policy.

  2. The Administrator, in accordance with the principles described in the Privacy Policy, takes all necessary measures to ensure that the processing of Personal Data complies with the GDPR. In particular, the Administrator takes measures to prevent access by unauthorised persons to Personal Data sent electronically or in the Administrator’s possession.

  3. The purpose of the processing and other information required by law is provided each time Personal Data is collected. The details of the processing are contained in BUEN SOL’s Privacy Policy.

§ 7

[Newsletter service].

  1. As part of the Website, BUEN SOL provides a Newsletter service primarily for BUEN SOL’s marketing purposes.

  2. The Newsletter service is a service consisting of sending information containing advertising and informative content concerning the activities of BUEN SOL, in particular concerning the offer of products and services provided, in the form of an electronic letter transmitted electronically to each User who has consented to the processing of his/her Personal Data and sending the relevant messages using the e-mail address provided by him/her via a form made available on the Website.

  3. In order to activate the Newsletter service, the User should fill in the relevant form on the Website and then confirm his/her willingness to subscribe using his/her e-mail box.

  4. The method for activating the Newsletter service is as follows:

  1. use of a device with access to the Internet with an installed and up-to-date version of a web browser;

  2. completing the data in the Newsletter subscription form;

  3. acceptance of the Website’s terms and conditions and consent to the processing of Personal Data in order to receive content as part of the Newsletter service;

  4. performing an action on the “Submit” button;

  5. confirmation of subscription to the Newsletter service using the e-mail box provided.

  1. Within the Newsletter service BUEN SOL provides information, promotional or advertising content of BUEN SOL. All graphic elements contained within the messages sent with Newsletter service are protected, first of all, by protection of copyrights or other rights, which may result from commonly binding law regulations and which BUEN SOL is entitled to. Copying, modification and use of sent content in a manner inconsistent with its purpose without BUEN SOL’s consent may be treated as a violation of BUEN SOL’s rights and may result in taking appropriate legal steps.

  2. The Newsletter service may be deactivated by the User at any time, which is equivalent to termination of the Newsletter service agreement.

  3. The Newsletter service may be deactivated by opening the Website address included in the footer of each message received in the Newsletter service.

  4. BUEN SOL is entitled to terminate the Newsletter service to the User on its own if the User is found to be acting in a manner inconsistent with the provisions of the Terms and Conditions.

  5. Upon deactivation of the Newsletter service, BUEN SOL shall cease to provide this service to the User.

  6. The User is entitled to subscribe to the Newsletter service again at any time.


[Free samples service].

  1. As part of the Website, BUEN SOL provides the opportunity to receive free samples of the BUEN SOL product. The purpose of sending a free sample of a BUEN SOL product is, first of all, for the entity making such an enquiry to become acquainted with the quality and form of the product offered by BUEN SOL.

  2. Filling in the form available at https://buensoloil.com/samples/ does not imply a commitment on the part of BUEN SOL to send a free sample and any detailed rules of cooperation and delivery of free samples (in particular as regards their quantity) will be specified in detail between the BUEN SOL representative and the representative of the person making the request to receive a free sample.

  3. The free sample sent may not be intended for sale or any other form of marketing by the recipient without the express written consent of BUEN SOL.

  4. BUEN SOL is not responsible for any consequences arising from the sending of a free sample, in particular for any damage caused by offering free samples for sale or consumption. Free samples should only be used for the purpose defined in the Terms and Conditions and subsequent contact between BUEN SOL representatives and representatives of the recipient.

  5. BUEN SOL reserves the right to respond to your request at any time, place and date, respecting the principles of data protection.


[Become a Partner service].

  1. The “Become a Partner” service is a service for sending an enquiry to BUEN SOL for the purpose of establishing a business relationship and is intended for business operators only.

  2. Taking advantage of the “Become a Partner” service is possible through:

    1. use of a device with access to the Internet with an installed and up-to-date version of a web browser;

    2. completing the data in the form for enrolment in the “Become a Partner” service;

    3. accept the terms and conditions of the Website and consent to the processing of Personal Data in order to receive commercial information through the “Become a Partner” service

    4. performing an action on the ‘Submit’ button;

  3. Completion of the contact form is not tantamount to the conclusion of any civil law relationship with BUEN SOL, in particular it does not mean that the entity submitting the enquiry will be entitled to claim the right to use the title of BUEN SOL Partner or to demand the conclusion of a contract foreseen for BUEN SOL Partners.

  4. Personal data submitted using the contact form are processed in accordance with BUEN SOL’s Privacy Policy available at https://buensoloil.com/privacy-policy//.

§ 10

[Contact form service].

  1. Within the framework of the contact form made available on the Website, the User may, in the first place, send an enquiry to BUEN SOL representatives.

  2. By submitting an enquiry via the “Contact Form”, you consent to a BUEN SOL representative contacting you on the details provided in the contact form.

  3. Any information sent by a BUEN SOL representative does not constitute an offer until it is expressly so provided.

§ 11

[Contact and Complaints]

  1. BUEN SOL shall exercise due diligence to ensure that the Website functions properly. You have the right to report concerns and errors in the functioning of the Website to: contact@buensoloil.com.

  2. Each user is entitled to lodge a complaint about the services provided to him at the following address: contact@buensoloil.com.

  3. The application and complaint should include a detailed description of the problem occurring and the User’s contact details enabling BUEN SOL to prepare an appropriate response.

  4. BUEN SOL may request additional information from the User to the extent necessary to respond to the request or complaint submitted by the User.

  5. BUEN SOL will respond to applications or complaints within 14 days of receiving complete information.

§ 12


  1. For various technical reasons, the functioning of the services described in the Terms and Conditions may be affected by malfunctions or failures that prevent or impede the use of the Website. The Website may also be subject to shutdown in the event of the need for maintenance work on the Website.

  2. BUEN SOL shall not be liable for any malfunction or unavailability of the Website caused by the reasons described above or by other reasons beyond BUEN SOL’s control.

§ 13

[Amendment of the Rules of Procedure]

  1. BUEN SOL reserves the right to amend the Terms and Conditions.

  2. The change of the content of the Terms and Conditions becomes effective upon posting the new Terms and Conditions on the Website or on the date indicated in the message about the change of the Terms and Conditions posted on the BUEN SOL Website or sent to the User within the scope of services provided to the User.

  3. The current version of the Terms and Conditions is available on the BUEN SOL Website.

§ 14

[Final provisions]

  1. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of Poland.
  2. Any and all information presented on the Website shall not constitute an offer within the meaning of the Civil Code Act of 23 April 1964 (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2023, item 1610, as amended). but an invitation to conclude a contract.

  3. In matters not regulated by the provisions of the Regulations, the relevant provisions shall apply, in particular the provisions of the Civil Code Act of 23 April 1964 (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2017, item 459, as amended) and the RODO.